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Thameside Radio




  Every weekend from a secret location...
Trellick Tower in Notting Hill, the location most used by Thameside, and Europe's tallest municipal tower block.

More soon...

The Radio Eric archive holds the following recording(s) of this station:



59:39 Bob and the gang celebrate 6 months of trouble free broadcasting in June 1978


59:59 complete broadcast from their first year. Tony Lloyd sits in for Bob



a compete 1 hour broadcast from the first year (1978). Tony Lloyd continues his stint while Bob is away



Bob Edwards' report on Radio Dublin from December 1978
21MB 45:46 the end of the Bob Edwards show and a complete Intrepid Birdman show probably from late 1979. Part 1 of this recording


44:30 Part 2 of the above recording
  97:32 Bob Edwards and Tony Lloyd. A power supply fault caused intermittent problems for the last 15 mins of the broadcast. 3rd February 1980


45:00 The first 90 mins of the broadcast from March 16th 1980. Part 1 of this recording 


46:40 Part 2 of of the above recording


184:16 an almost complete 3 hour broadcast from Spring 1980 with Bob Edwards and The Intrepid Birdman


191:05 3 hours of the audacious 3rd birthday party from 7th December 1980. The authorities were obviously humiliated by this broadcast and they raided Thameside the following week. This raid marked the end of the infamous Trellick Tower installation after 9 months of broadcasting.


191:08 Complete 3 hour broadcast from December 21st 1980


85:11 a very sleepy Aleks Wright at the end of a long extended broadcast on New Year's Day 1981


95:59 unusual coverage of Charles & Diana's wedding from July 29th 1981
27MB 59:38 Thameside was hit heavily by Eric Gotts & co. towards the end of 1981. They had lost several transmitters in the raids, and were consequently dangerously low on equipment. As a result they curtailed this broadcast prematurely (rather unconvincingly). From October 1981, originally broadcast in mono
  188:55 The fourth birthday broadscast featuring a live pirate boat sailing down the Thames. December 13th 1981


95:22 a rare day-time broadcast from the popular station on Easter Monday 1982


61:53 this recording is the week following Thameside's worst ever raid. Owing to an aerial fault the first 20 minutes were not widely heard. Paul James on May 2nd 1982


62:44 Still going strong, in spite of being No.1 target for Mr Gotts & co. at that time. Bob Edwards from August 8th 1982


98:38 Paul James and The Intrepid Birdman from November 21st 1982. Interestingly Paul refers to a news item about Radio 1 planning to broadcast past 7pm on Sundays. That had a devastating effect on Thameside's audience figures, though it was flattering that Radio 1 copied Thameside's format very closely


16:57 For the 5th birthday Thameside engineer Ian Stewart produced 5 history programmes. This one covers Thameside's first year. December 1982
  20:17 The 2nd year history programme produced for the 5th birthday in 1982



the decline of Thameside was a sorry affair with many missed broadcasts due to constant raids. But when they did make it on air the programmes still sounded fresh and entertaining. Starting at 10 am this broadcast was raided mid afternoon and Thameside Radio was never heard again. 15th May 1983



If you have any recordings or photographs of this station you can share please get in touch


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