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under construction


Radio Kaleidoscope - probably the best medium wave station

Radio Floss - all about the 80s medium wave rock station

Howard's Free Radio Site - brilliant site!

Radio Duck - More Duck - feathered FM frolics

Thameside Radio - site dedicated to the groundbreaking FM station

Radio Free London - RFL lives!

Radio Telstar South - Britain's original gold station - more Telstar

Raiders FM - the last of the great pirates

Surrey Sounds - remembering an FM station from the early 80s

When Pirates Ruled The Waves - an excellent site with photographs and memories of the pirate scene in the 1970s

If you're interested in recordings of Merseyside pirates check out http://www.merseypiratesco.uk and http://www.andywrob.com/pirateradio

..more soon



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