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Raiders FM




Raiders started early in 1986, the idea of former Jackie man Mike Summers. Initially the station was to be pop music based, but most of the presenters had a preference for rock music, and the resulting music policy reflected this. Raiders had a very professional sound, and featured a large number of female presenters. This fact led to a feature on the BBC Radio 4 programme Woman's Hour. 

Broadcasts usually started on a Friday evening, and continued till late on Sunday.

The DJs were all recruited for an interest in music, and the broadcasts regularly included interviews with bands.

The authorities started to raid Raiders regularly early in 1988, but the station continued to broadcast until January 1989. The team then campaigned for a licence to broadcast  Rock music to London, but this was unsuccessful.


The Radio Eric archive holds the following recording(s) of this station:




A lively 2 hours with Howard Peters from 26th November 1989



If you have any recordings or photographs of this station you can share please get in touch


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